Why Brands Need To Invest In Machine Learning?

Webcubator Technologies
2 min readJul 21, 2020

Sales are the key to every business that no one can deny.

The business selling services or products need marketing to raise its awareness.

For services or products marketing, you need to address the target audience.

Now, the essence lies in how much you understand your audience, their perceptions, likings, behaviour, preferences, pain points, etc.

Several aspects contribute to creating your ideal prospective client persona.

With the rise of social media and other platforms, there is surplus data that you need to collect and work according to the changing trends.

Not only this, but you also need to make sense of the data you gather.

It is not a simple task!

Huge corporations might be able to hire the needed workforce, but for SMB’s, it is impossible to bear the cost.

Machine Learning can make this tiresome process cost-effective and manageable.

The most successful example of machine learning use is on Netflix.

Even I am a subscriber to this online streaming platform. Speaking from experience, it gives fantastic suggestions, keeps you in the loop, storylines hold your attention, etc.

They have left no stone unturned to grab attention or understand their consumer mindset. The personalization is staggering!

Machine learning helps you rise above the clutter quickly, understand consumer, helps in personalization, superior audience targetting, etc.

Hence, an initial investment can give the much-needed edge in the current competitive landscape.

Image Source: Canva



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