Which Open Source Projects Have Completely Revolutionized Their Fields?

Webcubator Technologies
2 min readAug 25, 2020

Below are the two open-source projects that were revolutionary in their own way:

  1. Apache Cassandra

It has 287 contributors, and the top contributor is Jonathan Ellis, co-founder and CTO at DataStax.

It is a decentralized and distributed database designed to manage a significant quantity of unstructured and structured data around the globe.

Its development was at Facebook for inbox search and was open-sourced in July 2008.

Amongst its essential feature is its linear and elastic scalability enabling consistent swift response time.

Few of the open-source projects significant production deployments comprise Easou (Chinese search engine), Apple, and Netflix.

It even in use at eBay, Comcast, Constant, GitHub, CERN, Instagram, and at more than 1500 companies.

2. TensorFlow

A similar open-sourced project is TensorFlow that has about 2,383 contributors.

It is a machine learning and numerical computation library that is created by Google brain team in 2015.

It enables the creation of machine learning models for web, desktop, cloud, mobile, and mobile.

Its significant advantage is abstraction allowing developers to focus on the logic of the application when the library is handling details of executing the algorithm in background.

The major companies using it are DeepMind, Intel, Airbnb, Twitter, GE Healthcare, Google, and Coca-Cola.

Image Source: Canva



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