Can A.I. Learn From Its Situations & Environments Like Humans?

Webcubator Technologies
2 min readMay 6, 2020

Humans have an essential knowledge base helping them to figure out things or think out-of-the-box.

It helps us to analyze data, concepts, and numerous other scenarios in different aspects. Humans learn with try and error process.

Can A.I. learn from its situations and environments just like humans?

Observing a small child will help you understand it better. A child learns, adapts, and cope with the day to day activities.

These cognitive abilities give an evolutionary edge to humans. A human brain has a network of more than twenty billion neurons.

This network enables us to learn, decide, store and act on the same. The brain’s size and complexity make humans great learners and a dominant specie.

For AI to learn as humans, it needs to acquire the ability to learn. Use of neural computing systems helps the combination of AI and machine learning to gain the capability to learn.

The blend of analytics software for prediction, neural computing hardware, and Big Data of data patterns for learning helps in the learning process.

Majorly researchers believe that machine learning can learn nearly anything, including common sense with heaps of data.

Although Gary Marcus (developmental cognitive scientist, NYU), holds a different view. He states that the experts have a blind spot.

He says, “It’s a sociological thing, a form of physics envy, where people think that simpler is better.”

He believes that the experts are ignoring developmental psychology and knowledge of cognitive science as it helps humans to learn essential abilities. He thinks it should be added as abilities in their programs.

For further understanding of AI learning, you can click here.

Image Source: Pixabay



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